Annabelle’s Oddness: #SoCS #JusJoJan 23

I know I’m considered oddeven by my friends and family.

To write for children, you have to be a child. This means you must never grow up – you must be a child for the whole of your writing life. A child in an adult body is not an easy thing to be. You will still need someone to do the shopping, the cooking and the housework, to wash your clothes and manage your money, but you’re unlikely to find anyone prepared to do all that. You’ll have to do it yourself, and you’ll do it slowly and ineptly. You’ll resent the time you have to spend on it and you may even find you have little time left for writing. And people will think you’re odd because your body and your personality don’t fit together.

Being a child in an adult’s body is not a good look. Being a dog would be easier, because dogs are allowed to be puppies their whole lives. They just can’t write books.

Who says we can't?

Who says we can’t?

Join Stream of Consciousness Saturday at and Just Jot It January at  Today’s prompt is ‘Odd’ or ‘Even’ or both.socs-badge-2015



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20 Responses to Annabelle’s Oddness: #SoCS #JusJoJan 23

  1. So a children’s writer become a child in an adult’s body and that’s why we moan and groan so much about household chores. I got it! I can hear the internal argument and pleas now: But I want to write…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    Ah, the dullness of adulthood. I guess that’s why we become writers: To slip into something more fun. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. willowdot21 says:

    I do like your take on this!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. An excellent perspective Annabelle. It explains a lot!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks, Annabelle! You just diagnosed what’s wrong with me!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dalecooper57 says:

    Yay for the odd people! How would the rest of the world stay entertained without us?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. It would be a very dull place!


  8. I identify with this a lot! I still feel very young at heart, in fact my kids sometimes think I’m the youngster! As to housework and chores they get forgotten, and neglected often, there are so many other much more fun and engaging things to do!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. tophat17 says:

    i used to have three greyhounds like yours, but now i have a pitfall named maggie


  10. That’s quite a big change in canine companion!


  11. natswans says:

    I like this post yes it would indeed be a dull place out there. I to become a child at times, looks people think oh my she is strange. mY DOG loves me ..and my dear lady friend of 90 years old we laugh a lot. Have a lovely week.x


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