Dog Daydreams

the-daydreamer-award1Our bloggy friend Caitlin the Teen Daydreamer has nominated this blog for her prestigious Daydreamer Award, reserved for blogs that ‘make you laugh, are inspiring, provoke your curiosity or are just unbelievably creative’. Thank you, Caitlin – coming from someone as funny, inspiring and creative as you, that is a real compliment.

Here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
  2. Complete the challenge they set you.
  3. Select a blog or blogs that you want to give the award to. (The amount of blogs you select is unlimited!)
  4. Tell them about it and set them a challenge.

Please include the rules in your post. You can use the above logo for the award.

Here are the people I am nominating:

Dancing in the Sunshine

Conquering My Own Castle

Crumpled Paper Cranes

Kaylee Jordyn

The Realm of the Chaos Fairy

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is this: If you could wave a magic wand and make one thing disappear from Planet Earth forever, what would it be and why?

My challenge was: If you could create an app, what would it do and what would it be called? Being a dog I don’t really do technology, but I reckon an app that could translate dog language into audible English would be incredibly useful. I communicate my blog posts to Annabelle via smellepathy, but it’s a slow and painful process – NOT being a dog, Annabelle’s smellepathic receiver is pitifully inadequate – which is why I don’t get to post that often. If my ‘voice’ could come out of Annabelle’s phone speaking fluent English, I might get to post every day like our more prolific followers. Believe me, I’ve got a lot more to say than you ever get to read on this blog!


This app would be called DogWord. I think Pearl would find it useful, as well – she always has plenty to say for herself!


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28 Responses to Dog Daydreams

  1. Caitlin The Teen Daydreamer says:

    A very creative app, I’m impressed! I’m sure my two doggies would love that app too (they’re always so vocal!) 🙂


  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    Sounds like a great app! Maybe someone will have to make one for cats, too. Then again, we might not want to hear what cats are saying to us… 😉


  3. Annabelle, you are so kind. Congratulations and thank you, and I look forward to meeting the challenge! Dogword sounds adorable, and probably something a handful of my friends would like. I tend to be one of the only cat people around here… 🙂


  4. Maybe we could create CatWord as well?


  5. Oh, what I wouldn’t give for an app like that, Millie! I want so badly to understand every single word and thought that goes through my hound’s head. When I think of the conversations we could have. And no more misunderstandings. Yeah, I vote translation app.


  6. The Chaos Realm says:

    Humans, probably *laugh*


  7. The Chaos Realm says:

    Thanks for the nomination…very fitting! LOL


  8. It’s a pleasure – we hope you have fun with it 🙂


  9. Two paws up for Millie and Pearl \(⊙ᴥ⊙)/


  10. Congratulations on the nomination all! And the app sounds like a winner–at least in our house-Jack Henry says “four bones” and paws up!


  11. 😀 I’m sure he’d say a lot more if he had DogWord!


  12. Mumsy's Little Chancy Man says:

    Oh, that would be such a useful App we could sure use it around here. Congratulations on the award! Hugs and nose kisses


  13. We think there would be a high demand for this app if it existed – its creator would soon become a millionaire.
    Thanks for the congrats, love ‘n’ licks, Millie and Pearl xx


  14. A brilliant idea. If my dogs had this app they wouldn’t have to stand on my chest and stare at me with the evil eye to let me know it’s dinner time. Congrats on your award and I must go and look at the other blogs!


  15. Yes, we dogs can be scary when we’re hangry (hungry + angry) Life would be so much simpler if we could just say ‘It’s time for my dinner!’


  16. GolNaran says:

    So creative!
    Congratulations and best wishes, ❤


  17. Thank you. We love your drawings – straight out of dream time!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: You Can Get An Award For Daydreaming?! – Conquering My Own Castle

  19. Pingback: You Can Get An Award For Daydreaming?! – Conquering My Own Castle

  20. The Chaos Realm says:

    Okay, I finally did it. *laugh*


  21. That’s great! Don’t worry, there was no deadline 🙂


  22. Pingback: Daydream Believer | Dancing in the Sunshine

  23. honeybee29 says:

    Hi! Just did it! Bit late sorry 🙂
    I OF COURSE nominated you too 🙂 I love this blog too much to not!

    Daydream Believer


  24. Thank you so much! Millie hasn’t been very well lately, so you’ve really cheered her up! 🙂


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