What is a Lurcher?

Awake and asleep 004

A Lurcher is a Greyhound cross, and Millie was the literate Lurcher who originally inspired this blog. She was the only girl in a litter of five puppies born to a racing Greyhound. The owner hadn’t wanted the pups because they weren’t pure Greyhounds and wouldn’t make him any money. When I found Millie on the Greyhound Rescue Wales site, I knew she was the right pup for me.

I’m probably biased, but there was something special about Millie. People were apt to fall in love with her on sight. When I went to pick her up, her foster carer had already grown so attached she was reluctant to part with her. I got the feeling the lady was checking me out to see if I would be a fit guardian for such a special being.

All puppies are full of fun, and Millie kept that joyful puppy spirit almost to the end of her life. She loved to play, but she was never one for learning tricks – you could almost hear her saying, ‘What’s the point?’ She enjoyed training classes – when I said ‘school’ to her, her ears would go up and she would do her happy dance – but she saw it as an opportunity to play rather than learn. She was like one of those bright kids who mess around in class because they’re bored.

Millie was emotionally intelligent. As a friend put it, when you looked into her eyes, you could see a real soul looking out at you. At times, she almost looked human.

Millie Head

Although my books are not about dogs, I do feel that Millie’s playful spirit inspired my work. I write fairy tales and ghost stories, and I always felt Millie had a special connection with nature spirits and the invisible realms.

Millie in Bluebells

Sighthounds are ideal companions for writers because they don’t demand too much attention. Contrary to popular myth, they don’t need much exercise, and most of the time they’re content to snooze on a comfy couch. Their quiet, gentle presence is so relaxing, and when they’re asleep I like to think they’re visiting the astral worlds so they can bring me great ideas for stories.


Millie ‘wrote’ posts for this blog for five years and passed on her literary skills to her foster sister Pearl, who wrote several posts of her own before following Millie across the Bridge.






45 Responses to What is a Lurcher?

  1. ksbeth says:

    wow, this is wonderful and sweet and i look forward to reading more from you. thanks for reading my words too – best, beth


  2. Thank you, Beth, and thanks for following us. We love the picture of the sloth on your blog, it looks a bit like Annabelle! Love ‘n’ licks, Millie.


  3. Love your closing! I am cracking up over here! 🙂 Pure bred, schmure bred. Go Millie!
    Thanks for visiting and liking my Friend Fest post. Nice to “Meet” you!


  4. Nice to meet you, too – you clearly appreciate true class! Thanks for following us 🙂


  5. Eileen says:

    What a beautiful dog! She and her foster sister are lucky to have you, and I’m looking forward to reading more of your intriguing blog.


  6. Thank you! I look forward to reading more about Bangsiri – she is sweet!


  7. Millie-it appears you are a dog of many talents-and it was quite interesting to learn what a lurcher is-we at Little Dogs Laughed look forward to reading more of your adventures–and yes, Pearl too!


  8. Meredith says:

    I rescued Nick from a local pound. I’d never seen a white schnauzer before. He came to me as a gift of God, hauled all the way from AZ to TN in a semi. The trucker found him abandoned.


  9. Hi Meredith, just popped over to your blog to check out Nick – what a handsome boy, and so unusual! We haven’t seen a white Schnauzer before, either.


  10. Carrie Rubin says:

    Very kind of Millie to accept her ‘foster sister.’ It’s always good to take the higher canine road… 😉

    Thanks for visiting my site. Much appreciated!


  11. I love her really! Millie x


  12. Millie has struck it lucky with you. She sounds like a great dog, one that Bob would get along with,
    I was interested in your post about Mercy Dogs as Bob’s companion Ellie is a working rescue dog with the local river rescue group. We really under rate the importance of dogs and animals in our lives.


  13. I’m the lucky one. Millie is a very special dog – though I’m biased, of course. All animals have special qualities, and we do underestimate them.


  14. What a wonderful story. These precious animals bring so much love into our lives even in cases when they’re the ones needing the care.


  15. They certainly have a lot to teach us. I think the Universe matches us with the dogs we need.


  16. jmount43 says:

    What a sweet (and intelligent)-looking dog.


  17. Thank you! As a breed, we’re not known for our intelligence – our heads are rather small and most of our brains are taken up with running our big, powerful bodies – but I like to think I’m an exception to the rule. Millie x


  18. Caitlin The Teen Daydreamer says:

    Such a beautiful dog! I have two dogs and I love them to bits! I found your blog thanks to Karen and now you’ve got a new follower 😉


  19. Thank you! We’ve just visited your blog, where we saw your two lovely boys and read your excellent advice on what to consider when getting a dog. If more people took this advice, there would be fewer dogs needing to be rescued from careless owners.
    You have a new follower too – or three, if you count Millie and Pearl. 🙂


  20. Well MR Greyhound , I’d like to let you know I have bought thousands of dollars worth of food for your relatives at the race tracks over the years.


  21. Millie and Pearl would like to thank you on behalf of all racing greyhounds. Many dogs kenneled at tracks rely on the generosity of kind people like you.


  22. jjspina says:

    Thank you for following my blog. I enjoyed your tale of Millie and Pearl, so sweet! Bless you for taking care of them. Best wishes to you and your lovely dogs.


  23. Thank you! It’s a pleasure taking care of Millie and Pearl – I’m very lucky they ‘chose’ me.


  24. Hello Annabelle, Millie and Pearl, I am so looking forward to getting to know you better through this wonderful blog. I lost my big guy Lucca two days ago and I think following you guys may help me deal with this huge huge loss. Thanks for sharing your lives!


  25. We’re so sorry you’ve lost your dear dog – a dog-shaped hole is hard to fill. We’re sending you lots of love and licks.


  26. roweeee says:

    Hello Millie,
    You’re an excellent writer and I really enjoyed reading about your family. My friend has adopted two greyhounds and is a real convert. She takes them to cafes and they’re thoroughly spoiled. It sounds like you’re very patient with your adopted sister. I’m sure she appreciates your understanding xx Rowena


    • Thank you! You and your friend have clearly discovered that greyhounds make great pets and are eminently spoil-able. I do try to be patient with Pearl, but it’s not always easy, especially when she keeps stealing my boyfriends! Millie xx


  27. Pingback: Three Day Quote Challenge | Meredith's Musings

  28. Pingback: Three Day Quote Challenge – Day One | My train of thoughts on...

  29. bowmanauthor says:

    Millie, love your site and hope to introduce you to Molly the cat, my muse, sometime in the future.


  30. I’ll look forward to that! Millie xx


  31. Cezane & Michelle says:

    Millie, you’re adorable! 🙂 I look forward to reading more of your posts here 😀 – Michelle

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Thank you! I’m told I’m a special soul 😉 Millie xx


  33. Hemangini says:

    pets makes our world the most precious one.. they bring us closer to our fun self and make us more human.. ❤ the story… I hope Pearl & Millie are having a great time… I almost loved the way you took Pearl out to walk.. It's so sweet and lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. So lovely Pearl can stay with you forever. Her confidence will grow with time and Millie will be a great help to her. Love and wags to you all xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  35. It’s been a hard road with Pearl but she is so much better now than when she first came to us. We couldn’t have done it without Milllie’s gentle presence.
    Thank you so much for visiting and following! I love whippets, they are like fairy greyhounds. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  36. MG WELLS says:

    Enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing and best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. MG WELLS says:

    My pleasure!


  38. Pingback: Tribute to Pearl | The Literate Lurcher

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