The Dreaded Dentist

Last week, Annabelle, Pearl and I all had to go to the dentist.  (Not the same one, obviously – that would be weird.)  It was OK for Annabelle, she was only in her dentist’s an hour or so.  We had to stay in ours all day and have medicine that made time go away.  It was like black magic – one moment it was morning and we felt fine, the next it was late afternoon and we had sore, bleeding mouths.

Oddly enough, though, that wasn’t the worst part.  The worst part was the waiting.  For some reason we had to be there ages before the vet was ready for us.  Annabelle couldn’t even wait with us, she had to leave us there, and we were put in cages, like criminals, where we had to wait…. and wait… and wait.  The indignity of it!  I was really scared as well, because I’ve never been to the dentist before and didn’t know what to expect.

Pearl has been before, and she kept telling me it wouldn’t be that bad – you do end up with a sore mouth, but it soon goes away and then you feel much better because you’ve got a ‘dentist clean feeling’ (whatever that is) and you can enjoy your food more without those dodgy teeth.  She reminded me that the things you fear are much worse in your imagination than in reality.  She suggested I stop worrying, close my eyes and think of places we’ve been on our walks, like this…



…and this…


…and this…

Dogs on Dunes

…then, when I still wouldn’t stop whingeing, she told me to shut up and stop being such a baby.

She was singing a different song later when she discovered the vet had taken out fifteen of her Pearly whites, including the front ones.  She’s totally devvo about it, she thinks the boys won’t fancy her now she’s all gappy and gummy.


I lost all my front teeth at the top, but then, I’ve never been vain – I don’t need a full set of teeth to be beautiful.



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11 Responses to The Dreaded Dentist

  1. maggie0019 says:

    Why did they take out the teeth? Mom had Greyhounds before and all their teeth were bad from trying to chew their way out of confinement. Lovely walk pictures!


  2. We were meant to be going in just to have our teeth cleaned, but the vet found several rotten ones. Apparently we Greyhound types are prone to dental problems. Annabelle has tried cleaning my teeth but I can’t resist chewing the brush, which makes it a bit difficult. As for Pearl, she growls if you go near her mouth with anything that isn’t food. Annabelle feeds us crunchy kibble and rawhide chews to try and keep our teeth clean.


  3. Goodness Millie! That is an adventure you could have done without-but it sounds like both you and Pearl will feel better-hopefully everyone is feeling better and eating happily!


  4. Oh yes, thanks – it hasn’t hurt our appetites one bit! Pearl’s face was swollen for a while – she looked more like a Staffie than a Greyhound, which did nothing for her self esteem – but she’s back to her streamlined self now.


  5. honeybee29 says:

    Lovely smiles beautifuls! Why teeth out?


  6. The vet found some rotten ones… but don’t worry – there are still plenty left!


  7. raisingdaisy says:

    Oh my goodness, what an experience! I had no idea that greyhounds are prone to dental problems. They’re both such beautiful dogs.


  8. Thank you! As long as we’re left with enough teeth between us for one big smile, we’ll be happy 🙂


  9. Mags Corner says:

    Wow, that was a very full day of dental work. Hope you all got some rest and all goes well now. We think you look just fine after losing some teeth. Hugs and nose kisses


  10. Thanks! We’re back on top form now – hopefully no more vet visits for a while.


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